

Certified Translator

About me

  • Name: Roberto Villalva 
  • Job: Certified Translator
  • Residence: North Vancouver

I love languages and I believe that learning a foreign language opens a new world of knowledge and possibilities that you could have never imagined. As Wittgenstein said, “The limits of [your] language are the limits of [your] world.” So, in my life, I have tried not to restrict my thoughts and my mind to the specific format of a single language.

In my journey, however, I have also learnt that there are limits to what you can learn and continuously master, so I have focused my efforts in keeping a very good command of Spanish, French and English, although I am also very good understanding German and Portuguese. For good or bad, those are the limits of my world… and also of my translation skills!

Translation services

I work in the following language combinations:

  • From English into French or Spanish
  • From Spanish into English or French
  • From French into English or Spanish
  • From German or Portuguese into English, French or Spanish

These are the services that I can offer you:


I have experience reviewing and editing documents in the following areas:

  • Marketing & advertising
  • Management & accounting
  • Education policy
  • Information and communication technologies

Along the years, I have worked for commercial and institutional customers who have always appreciated my sense of ownership and responsibility.

Certified Translations

Many Canadian and foreign authorities require certified translations of official documents. This is where I can help.

These are some examples of official documents that I can translate for you:

  • birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates
  • driver licences
  • school transcripts and diplomas
  • contracts, bank statements and business letters
  • medical certificates


Translating your Web site may help you increase your sales, improve your brand image and expand your reach. Using machine translation services to translate a Web site usually results in texts full of mistakes and bizarre formulations in the end-user’s language. Professional translation by a human is not a luxury, but something potential customers expect. You do not even have to translate your whole website: sometimes a single page showing the most important infos for your customers is more than enough. And if you need me to deal directly with your Web developers, my Web development skills could be very useful.


If you want to know how much it would cost to translate your document or Web site, please drop me a line and atttach a copy, scan or photo of your document in the best possible definition.

The price will depend on the kind of translation (certified or not certified), the number of words to be translated, the urgency of the work you need and the nature of the text (technical, legal, marketing, etc.).

All my translations include the translation and the review of the translation by another translator, so that at least two pairs of eyes will ensure the quality of your translation and avoid errors.

Translation work is similar to the one of making clothes in the sense that I have to take your measures and may need to ask you a few questions before I can start working or even before I can finish my work.

Do not trust the cheapest translation quote with your documents. Speaking a second language is not a warranty for a good translation and sometimes, small errors can be very costly and may even expose you to a lawsuit.

Contact Me
